The Occult’s Hidden Language: How Words, Numbers, and Symbols Shape Our Reality and Deceive the Masses
In the world we live in, symbols, numbers, and words are not just tools of communication—they hold power. Power to influence, control, and even deceive. When you hear the word occult, you might think of ancient rituals, dark arts, or secret societies. But beneath these surface images lies something far more profound—and far more insidious. For centuries, the occult has used an intricate language of symbols, numbers, and words to manipulate, control, and shape the perception of the public.
But why? Why do the occultists use these forms of hidden communication? And how do they play a role in the deception of society?
What is the Occult?
The term "occult" comes from the Latin occultus, meaning "hidden" or "secret." At its core, the occult refers to esoteric knowledge—wisdom that is intentionally concealed from the general public. Historically, the occult has been linked to hidden spiritual practices, ancient rituals, and secret societies that possess knowledge about the universe and human nature that is not shared with mainstream society.
The occult encompasses a wide range of belief systems and practices, including astrology, alchemy, mysticism, Kabbalah, and rituals from ancient civilizations like Egypt, Babylon, and Greece. The central theme of occult teachings is the belief in hidden truths that, when understood, can unlock the power to manipulate both the physical and metaphysical world. This knowledge is considered "forbidden" by the general public but is accessible to those who have been initiated into its mysteries.
At its core, the occult operates on the idea that there are deeper, unseen forces at play in the world, forces that can be harnessed to bring about change—both positive and negative. Some occult practices focus on harnessing spiritual energy for personal power, while others aim to invoke or control cosmic forces for political, economic, or social control.
Satanism: The Dark Heart of the Occult
Many branches of the occult have ties to Satanism, a belief system that worships or venerates Satan, or the figure representing ultimate rebellion, power, and control. While not all occult groups are Satanic, Satanism is undeniably intertwined with occult practices, especially when it comes to the darker, more esoteric aspects of the tradition.
Satanism in the occult context is often seen as the worship of a force of liberation and rebellion, rejecting traditional religious and moral constraints. In many forms of Satanism, the figure of Satan is not seen as the embodiment of pure evil but rather as a symbol of individual freedom, enlightenment, and breaking away from societal norms. This rebellion against conventional morality is seen by practitioners as a path to greater personal power and understanding.
Some of the most powerful occultists are believed to embrace Satanism as part of their pursuit of hidden knowledge and dominion over others. By aligning themselves with the forces of darkness, these individuals believe they can achieve a higher level of control and influence over both the material and spiritual realms.
The Role of 33rd-Degree Freemasonry
One of the most powerful and secretive organizations tied to the occult is Freemasonry, a global fraternity that is steeped in mystery and tradition. The 33rd degree of Freemasonry is the highest level that one can achieve within the Scottish Rite, and it is often associated with immense power and influence.
Freemasonry, with its rich symbolism and secret rites, has long been a subject of fascination and controversy. It is often believed that Freemasons, particularly those at the 33rd degree, are initiates into an elite group that possesses hidden knowledge about the world and its workings—knowledge that is kept from the general public.
Occult Symbols in Freemasonry
The All-Seeing Eye: Often depicted as an eye within a triangle, this symbol represents divine oversight and the hidden knowledge of the universe. It is seen on the Great Seal of the United States and is a significant symbol within Masonic and occult circles.
The Square and Compass: The most recognizable Freemasonic symbol, representing the moral and spiritual lessons that Freemasons must learn. It also symbolizes hidden truths about the nature of reality.
The Triple Tau: A symbol representing the highest degree of initiation within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It signifies spiritual perfection and the realization of one’s own divine nature.
The number 33 itself is sacred within Freemasonry. In numerology, 33 is known as the “Master Teacher” number, representing enlightenment and spiritual mastery. The Freemasonic 33rd degree symbolizes a final level of spiritual awakening, where one attains ultimate knowledge and control over the forces of the universe.
Hollywood: The Occult's Global Influence
Hollywood is one of the biggest promoters of occult symbolism, Satanic imagery, and hidden messages. Many celebrities and entertainers are believed to be part of secret societies that utilize occult knowledge to gain power, influence, and success in the industry. Occult symbols and hand signs are frequently seen in movies, music videos, award shows, and promotional materials.
Occult Symbols in Hollywood
The One-Eye Symbol: Covering one eye is a common gesture seen among celebrities, symbolizing the "All-Seeing Eye" of Lucifer and occult initiation.
The Devil Horns Hand Sign: A common gesture in the entertainment industry, symbolizing allegiance to Satanic forces.
The Hidden Hand: A Masonic gesture seen in historical portraits and modern media, symbolizing secret knowledge and control.
Saturn Symbolism: Saturn, often associated with Satan in occult circles, represents control, restriction, and hidden knowledge. Hollywood frequently references Saturn through planetary imagery, black cubes, and the color black.
Saturn worship is deeply embedded in occult practices, as the planet is seen as a ruler of time, death, and karma. In the context of transhumanism, Saturn’s symbolism extends to themes of control, restriction, and technological dominance, reflecting the elite’s pursuit of merging man with machine and transcending natural human limitations through artificial Intelligence means. In many ancient cultures, Saturn was linked to deities of darkness and authority. Hollywood uses Saturnian symbols to reinforce the idea of hidden rulers controlling reality.
Symbols and Signs in Plain Sight
Occult symbols are everywhere. From the obelisk in Washington D.C. to the gold fringe on the American flag, from the all-seeing eye on the U.S. dollar bill to Freemasonic emblems in popular culture, these symbols are deliberately placed in public spaces to signal hidden power and control.
The Three City-States: Hidden Centers of Power and Control
There are three independent city-states globally that hold immense political, financial, and occult power:
Washington D.C.: The seat of global political power, heavily influenced by Freemasonry and occult symbolism.
London: The financial center of the world, linked to secret societies and esoteric knowledge.
The Vatican: The religious heart of global influence, often associated with hidden knowledge and control mechanisms.
These three cities are considered by some as the core of a global occult elite, controlling the destiny of nations and the world through covert influence.
Conclusion: Seeing Beyond the Surface
The occult, with its powerful tools of language, numbers, and symbols, remains a hidden force shaping the world. Through these tools, occultists—often with ties to Satanism—manipulate perception, control knowledge, and maintain power over society. By embedding these symbols and codes into mainstream culture, government, and institutions, they ensure that only the initiated understand the true meaning behind them.
By learning to recognize these symbols, we can begin to uncover the truth that has been concealed in plain sight. Are you ready to see beyond the illusion and understand the hidden forces that shape our reality?
Ti Arizona
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